Bone marrow Transplant centers in India

Bone marrow Transplant centers in India

India has over 66 Transplant centers registered with ISBMT (The Indian Society for Bone marrow Transplantation).

You can visit their website ,to help you locate the Transplant centers in a state or city.

There are more centers’ that are either in the process of being added to the directory or operate independently of these directories.

Finding the Best Transplant center for you depends on a number of factors. The primary ones being

1)    Recommendation by your Doctor, who knows the best course of treatment for you and where it can be found

2)    If your  insurance approves the Transplant center

3)    Proximity of the center to home, since you may have to consult at the center for weeks ,months and maybe years post your Transplant

4)    Your Doctors availability at the center for follow up and your convenience of travelling as and when required.

5)    The kind of support the center provides Pre, during and Post-Transplant to the patient and caregivers.

If possible do visit the center prior to making your selection. It will help you understand the support system at the Centre, decide on logistics and get feedback to the services and treatment.

You can contact us to help connect to a BMT buddy to find a patient who has been treated at the center and available to share a feedback.

Most Importantly: Your Doctor knows best, consult them prior to making a decision and share the reason for your selection.

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