Yoga & Pranayama for BMT

Yoga & Pranayama

Many cases across the world have benefited from Yoga and Pranayama for BMT. Therapeutic yoga and pranayama for specific conditions are said to benefit the patients a lot. Good practitioners have come up with Yoga postures that could be done on a chair, on your own bed, Simple sitting and standing poses. Yoga helps regulates blood flow, flexibility, muscle strength and centeredness.

Pranayama helps in building immunity, supports vital organs like lungs, liver, nasal tract and gastro-intestinal tract. Pranayama helps in increasing oxygen flow that is crucial for overall recovery.

A BMT patient should always do Yoga and Pranayama under the guidance of a good and certified Yoga Therapist. Most Yoga practitioners do not know that intensity of a Bone marrow transplant, hence it is crucial for the right selection of a good yoga practitioner.

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